
1400 – 1430 Investigation of the Week: Ollie
1430 – 1530 Simulation – Toxicology
1530 – 1600 Case Based Discussion – Will
1600 – 1700 Exam Teaching: OSCE – Anna
1700 – 1800 Registrar Presentaiton – Stroke – Luisa

Team, big month for March, plenty of simulations and osce prep. Good luck to the candidates in the next 2 weeks.

March Teaching Timetable

Extra departmental training opportunities

PROFiT – Masterclass in Professionalism.
One of 8 domains that define the character traits of an emergency medicine physician and perhaps a domain that trainees are exposed to least. Held at Liverpool Hospital, it features our very own Prof Holdgate who also has another hat as a medicolegal expert. Speak to Anna to find out more!
Once a year each hospital in the network will hold a combined training day for consultants and trainees to attend. Next stop is WOLLONGONG! The roster and logistics will be updated shortly.
Flexor sheath digital nerve block
I’ve never missed one since I started doing this!!!
I’m so surprised that each time I talk to a trainee or JMO about regional anaesthesia for finger injuries, they all explain the ring block and have never heard of the flexor sheath digital nerve block. We shall continue with the mantra of watch one, do one, teach one. If you are still not convinced we can practise on yourself next time on the floor!

Mnemonic: The SIM


So this month we have a number of sims and I would like to share with you my pre-arrival mental checklist


D- Department: what are my competing interests and issues within the department
R- Recruits: Who else do I need to get involved early?
S – Staff – Role allocations
A – Airway equipment
B – Breathing supports
C – Circulation and access
D – Drugs: analgesia, sedatives, muscle relaxants
E: Equipment – cervical collar, pelvic binder, splints

If it’s useful, you can actually use it for all pre-hospital arrival preparation